Wednesday 18 May 2011

Michael Bay

Michael Bay Biography

"I yell a lot. I'm very vocal and demanding, but that's because I'm making massive, noisy movies and I need to keep control."
Born and adopted in the motion picture capital of Los Angeles, California, Bay took advantage of his natural surroundings and started his film career in the advertising industry, directing music videos and commercials. Fresh out of Wesleyan University film school at age 24, Bay first started in the music video biz. Working with such artists as Meatloaf, Tina Turner and Donny Osmond, his videos garnered him a number of MTV award nominations.
From music videos, he went on to commercial work which proved successful as he created some of the best known and professionally acclaimed advertisements in the world. Some of his clients included Nike, Coca Cola, Reebok and Isuzu. The advertisement industry showed their appreciation for his work by giving him a number of Clio awards, Best Campaign of the Year award and several Gold and Silver Lions at the Cannes competions. By the age of 30 he became the youngest recipient honored by the Directors Guild of America for Commercial Director of the Year.
In 1995 he took on the feature film industry and came out with Bad Boys (1995). Starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, the film was a great success, grossing $160 million worldwide. He followed up this success with blockbusters such as Pearl Harbor (2001) and the sequel Bad Boys II (2003). His biggest success to date, however, was the blockbuster Transformers (2007), which grossed over $300 million in the U.S. alone.
Bay claimed in Moveline magazine that his bioligical father is director John Frankenheimer. However, Frankenheimer denies the claim, and a DNA test proved to be negative. However, Bay apparently still insists his father is Frankenheimer. A dog lover, Bay owns two mastiff hounds. He has previously dated Playboy centerfold Jamie Bergman.

Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay
Michael Bay

a Michael Bay montage

Michael Bay is Epic

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